History Blog

This is my history blog for Mr. Boyle's G period class. There you have it. I have been keeping this blog since whenever school kinda started back up again. I don't really know when but it was after marching band started up again. Anyway, I looked back on all of the posts that I have been doing for about half a minute today and realized that all of these are terribly boring. So I think I'll add some fun stuff in.

November 9, 2012

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Post About the Last Four Day's Takeaways

April 3, 2013
We were assigned a letter as we walked into class and did mini presentations at the end of class (on what we learned through a passage) with our fellow letter (partner). It was fairly interesting but my takeaway was that I really need to prioritize better. It's something I know I've needed to work on for a long time but it is now to the point where it's basically impossible to put off any longer. So my takeaway was really just "intervention" with myself.

April 4, 2013
 Most of the class was out taking the Acuplacer (?) Exam and there was only six of us in class. We watched a video of Whitney Huston singing the star spangled banner and debated on whether or not she was lip-sinking. We also talked about jazz and 80s movies--both of which I was the only one who really knew anything about (or at least I was the only one who voiced my knowledge). Nothing really to "takeaway" there except for the fact that I'm a major nerd (but I think we already knew that).

April 8, 2013
There isn't much to talk about because we just did some writing about worksheets on the Oregon Trail. We had a substitute so there was no real discussions or anything. (No real takeaway either.)

April 9, 2013
We got into groups of three and read some worksheets. Then we talked about how ship were moved over the mountains though canal systems. It was a short talk that I found really interesting. I even did some short research on it because I found it cool. (Some pictures are shown below.)

When we got back form lunch, we looked at a bunch of different types of people's lives on the canal by reading cards form a game. I thought it was cool seeing all of the different scenarios.
One last thing:

Until next time!

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