History Blog

This is my history blog for Mr. Boyle's G period class. There you have it. I have been keeping this blog since whenever school kinda started back up again. I don't really know when but it was after marching band started up again. Anyway, I looked back on all of the posts that I have been doing for about half a minute today and realized that all of these are terribly boring. So I think I'll add some fun stuff in.

November 9, 2012

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Julius Caesar Song

Music Written by Madeleine Schmuch
Lyrics Written by Anastasia Perreault
Vocals Sung by Madeleine Schmuch
Piano Played by Anastasia Perreault

Oh Beware the Ides of March
Oh beware the Ides of march
Oh beware the Ides of March
Oh be-ware

Julius Caesar kills Pompey and starts
To take power over Rome
Cassius goes and talks to Brutus and plants
Seeds of doubt about Caesar

That night there’s a terrible storm who ever
Knew the heavens to menace so-o
Heaven hath infused the spirits as omens
Of Ceasar's bad ru-u-ule

Brutus, Cassius, Casca, and
Decius, Metellus, Trebonius,
Cin-na and Lig-ar-i-ius
Form their plot

The conspirators form their plot to kill
Ceasar at the capitol
Brutus and Caesar ignore their wives which is
A really, really dumb move

Caesar’s wife dreamt of his death his body
Did run pure blood and the roman’s smiled
But Decius did say the dream meant nothing and
Caesar went off to the captiol

Friends, Romans and countrymen
Friends, Romans and countrymen
Friends, Romans, and countrymen
Lend me your ears

To the cap-tol they-a went and they
Did stab Cae-sar kill-ing him right there
So Bru-tus sent for Mark Ant-ton-y to try
To get him on their sigh-ide

Brutus lets them hold a fun-eral  and he
Con-vinced them of Cae-sar's guilt
But mark ant-ton-y then gets to speak and he
Sways the crowd to his own side

Evil spirit of Brutus
You’ll see me Phil-ip-i
Evil spirit of Brutus
At Phil-ip-i

An-ton-y  and Oc-tav-vius make a
Dea-e-eth list and cheat Cae-sar’s will
Brutus and Cassius begin to fight a-cuse
Each other of crimes and lies

But Bru-tus makes an ex-cuse for their
Fight-ing say-ing Por-tia is dea-ed
So they make their peace and go to sleep but Brutus
See’s Cae-sar's ghost be-fore him

O-oh poo-or Ca-a-sius
O-oh poor-or Bru-u-tus
O-oh poor-or Tit-an-ius
They all die

Ba-ttle starts in Phil-ip-i Oct-tavius
And Ant-ton-y ver-sus  the con-spiritors
Cas-sius sends Tit-an-i-us to check the camp
Pin-darus thinks Tit-anius is ca-ap-tured

Cas-sius asks Pindarius to kill him Cea-sar
Thou art re-venged but Tit-anius re-turns
Tit-nus kills him self ov-er dead Cassius and then
Bru-tus comes and kills him-self

So-o call the fields to rest
Lets a-way to part the glories
Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-of this
Ha-ppy day

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